Microalgae biodiesel and by-products must be separated for increasing the biodiesel production. The main separation processes used hot water (50?C) (Li et al., 2007), organic solvents such as hexane (Halim et al., 2010; Wiltshire et al., 2000) and water-organic solvent for a liquid-liquid separation (Couto et al., 2010; Lewis et al., 2000; Samorì et al., … Read More
Transesterification of Production Of Biodiesel
The direct use of crude vegetable oils in diesel engines is envisageable, but could lead to numerous technical problems. For example, their characteristics (high viscosity, high density, difficulty to vaporize in cold conditions) cause deposits in the combustion chamber, with a risk of fouling and an increase in most emissions (Basha et al., 2009). These … Read More
Transesterification Process Developments
responsible for the popularity of the transesterification method for reducing the viscosity related problems of plant oils. The popularity of methyl esters has contributed to the term “biodiesel” now usually referring to plant oil esters and not neat plant Oils. It was shown that in homogeneous catalysis, alkali catalysis is a much more rapid process … Read More
Biodiesel Specialized Lipase
Biodiesel Specialized Lipase is developed for enzyme-mediated production of biodiesel with modern genetic engineering, microbe fermentation and advanced post-process technology, which can catalyze esterification and transesterification of biodiesel protection efficiently and these have many advantages over traditional chemical methods: moderate reaction conditions, lower alcohol to oil ratio, more choices of oil substrates, less by-products, easier … Read More